Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Lately, I feel that all the love of me has just been drained out. I mean, my passion isn' there anymore. I know, that can't be my reason. I know I should hold on and I should just shut up hold on tighter.

Currently, my piano practical exam is just next Saturday but me haven't really practiced yet. Can't seem to sit on that chair for long. But when it's two or three days from the exam... you probably won't see me anywhere else except on that chair.

I went camping recently in Commenwealth park with the whole form three of SSS exceptI-Lyn! Sorry la, but I supposed you had more *wink wink* fun there. To cap it all up, we had a good time eating barbecue or bruning it, setting up the tent when other people doesn't know how and jungle tracking. The best part of the whole time we were walking in the forest were getting leeches...yikes! and watching other people quiting... har har. I don't blame them though... The leeches were trying to get ahold of me but... I guess there's something wrong with me and my blood I got rejected... maybe to much sugar content or maybe... I'm an alien???

The night I spent there was ok except to the fact we had a live orchestra
lulling all of the audience there to sleep. Brian Mok played the flute, See Yau played the trombone and I think two other people beside my tent were playing a wind loose trumput and a cornet. Kidding la... Well, I looked terrible in the morning that's for sure. But me, as a lousy scout, am prepared to face such dangers. Conclusion, we all had fun and enjoyed each other's company.
Group Photo

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