Wednesday, February 28, 2007

This's So Pukka

Words we picked up from the dictionary.
Gumption- Courage and resourcefulness
Aphrodisiac- Something edible that stimulates sexual desire
Pukka- Genuine or excellent
Farinaceous- Starchy

Layer 1: On the Outside

Name: Bryan Yong Hoe
Birth Date: April 20th 1991
Current Status: Dreamy... of chocolates saturated with romance and a drop of ignorance (can you imagine?)
Eye Color: Dark brown
Hair Color: Black
Righty or Lefty: Right handed

Layer 2: On the Inside

My Heritage: Heng Hwa and Cantonese-Dad's side. Baba Nyonya and Portugese on my mom's side.
My Fears: Leaving my love ones.
My Weaknesses: Other people's sadness and pain. I feel for them
My Perfect Pizza: Salami cheese and onions. =P

Layer 3: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

My thoughts first waking up: Does the fridge, like have any breakfast?
My bedtime: Er.. I know I sleep real early compared to others. Like 11?
My most missed memory: Times being together with people.

Layer 4: My Pick

Pepsi or Coke: Neither. They both are too buzzy for my throat.
McDonalds or Burger King: Burger King
Single or Group Dates: Single. I can control my temptations well.
Adidas or Nike: Nike
Tea or Nestea: Neither. Caffeine makes me slightly dizzy. Alergic.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla.
Cappuccino or Coffee: None for me.

Layer 5: Do you…

Smoke: Yup I do in fact. I distribute Crack widely and openly. Like duh...
Curse: Nope. I'm a saint. Unless you count @#$@#...
Take a shower: Yes in fact. I wash myself with vintage chardonnay white wine only.
Have a crush: Nope. I don't believe in love at first sight.
Think you’ve been in love: Er... why are you asking me mushy questions.
Go to school: Nope. I study in a cave where my teacher is a grizzly bear.

Want to get married: Yes.
Believe in yourself: Yeah.
Think you’re a health freak: Yeah but just to annoy others.

Layer 6: In the past

Drank Alcohol: Nope. I'm a teetotaler.
Gone to the mall: Duh...
Been on stage: Yes. Many times.
Eaten sushi: Yes.
Dyed your hair: I'm not vain.

Layer 7: Have you ever…
Played a stripping game: What dirty games I play is none of your beeswax.
Changed who you were to fit in: No. The world sets their own standards whereas I have mine.

Layer 8: Age you’re hoping…
To be married: 23 is the perfect age.

Layer 9: In a girl...
Best eye color: Dark brown?
Best hair color: As long she doesn't dye exotic colours.
Short hair or long hair: Slightly longer than shoulder lenght.

Layer 10: What were you doing…
A minute ago: Doing this...
1 hour ago: Showering? You want details?
4.5 hours ago: In school
1 Month ago: You tell me.
1 Year ago: You people better get a better batch of better questions which better make better sense.

Layer 11: Finish the sentences…
I love: the things in life which doesn't seem to matter to the world.
I feel: not EMO. Dreamy.
I hate: injustice
I hide: my emotions
I miss: times before.
I need: to take a bath.

Layer 12: Tag 5 people…
[1] People
[2] that hasn't
[3] done
[4] this yet but are
[5] in my links.
No obligations. ;)

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