Tuesday, January 2, 2007

I'm Missing The Smell of Your Eau de Parfum On Your Neck.

4 Bunga Raya will be my class for this year and next year. We are stuck with each other till death (SPM) do us part. Plus, we're stuck with every beloved teacher to the end too.

Let's start introducing a few of my venerated teachers.
Chemistry- Pn. Cheong Li Na
Biology- Pn. Yip
Physics- Miss Wong
Additional Math- Pn. Siew
Modern Math and class teacher- Mr. Amarasingam
EST- Pn. Vasanthy
English- Pn. Ivonne
B.M.- Pn. Hanim
P. Moral- Pn. Roziha
Sejarah- Pn. Faridah

My class is not bad. It's in the middle of 4A and 4C (literaly). 4A and us have the same brain power and academic level. In terms of socialability and being a people's people, they have a mondo problem. On the other end of the extreme chart, 4C is in havoc and chaos at every single moment. Their teachers are a scare though.

Pn. Yip was a model before and I can tell you that she wears a different outfit everyday of the year. (Yes, she has more shoes than you would ever have Ying Ling.) She has a funny hair style though. Cut straight in the front like a Jap and the sides to the back like a Cleopatra. Miss Wong is just nice. That's why probably I don't despise Physics so badly Brian. Vasnthy's first impressions aren't that fabulous but she's nice. We all sucked up to her today when she called for an introduction one by one.

"My name is Bryan. EST is my favourite subject because I have such a gorgeous and good teacher like you."
"You are my most favourite teacher."
"EST rocks."

Wow. I didn't know my class and I are such good suck ups.

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