Saturday, November 4, 2006


Everyone is so moody these days. Han Hwa is his usual childish self and doesn't want to talk to me. I-Lyn muttered something surprising and was so moody that whole night that we all were moody too. Well I think I will just go with the flow and be moody. I went to school that day for program emas just to know that only 50 or less Form 3s attended school. The best part was, I was a facilitator of a station of Scrabbles!!! YAY!!!. Some bugger fong fei kei and I was kinda pissed. Aigh... everybody, at least I mean the form 3s should be happy, but I guess people are so buggered and look as if Pmr is still not over yet.

Before I end, I want to leave you readers with a thought.

Are you in a relationship or just broken out of one?
Or either you're that princess in the tallest tower of the castle waiting for your prince?
Maybe you are the the frog in the pond waiting to be kissed.
Are you that person in your clicks waiting to be appreciated?
Does your friends fulfill you?
I feel that many people wants to be in a relationship or participate in their friend's activities because they think the other person/people will fulfil them.
I think otherwise.
Many people don't receive the love and attention so they go out and find it.
I know someone who was idiotic enough to push me away from his clicks just because the circle wasn't big enough.
He would laugh with people he doesn't agree with and will say things he doesn't normally say.
The bottomline is that, nothing can fulfill yourself except you and God.
Don't succumb to influence but instead, influence others.
I'm not saying friends are not important.
When you start to copy and imitate that person... would that person be considered a friend or an idol?
Your friend should be someone you look at on the side.
Not a step higher or lower.
Just a buddy.

P/s To those who just broke up, don't be down. You*** will know what I mean.

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