Sunday, October 22, 2006

Solitude an Peace

I went to Fraser's Hill on Friday (Deepavali). Jason, Min On, I-Lyn and Jo-Lyn were there with me to. At least there were some people for me to bug with. It was really quiet there, something that is hard for me to get used to- quietness. It was a good change to go to this laid-back and easy-going environment than just going into the hustle-bustle of the city life. Just the place for a SG leader retreat! yay!(---meant to be sarcastic)

Sam Yong made me listen to Rainie Yang Cheng Ling's songs and I've been listening to it since, probably for three days non-stop? =P. I-Lyn told me that it was a sad song and I'm a sadist. Sam it is all your fault that you made me hear her songs. Disclaimer note: I only like Rainie's voice thank you.

Actually, there's not much to blog about in Fraser's when MOST of the useless buggers were just lazing around in Silver Park watching some anime called Chobits. Meanwhile... me I-Lyn and Jo-Lyn babysitted Isabel or more likely I babysitted three BIG babies in the playground. We then walked al the way to Shazan -my aching feet- just to play Ping Pong and Foosball.

During my free time I also kinda reflected on what the speaker had said about life. He said that everybody deep down wants to make a difference for an eternity. Just like Benjamin Franklin and Nelson Mandela. But in the end... all these people and thier acomplishments, do they really matter? At the end of time, have I really made a difference to the world and to myself? Playing sport and acheiving great results in your studies, do they really matter? I see many people living their lives and trying to suceed but only in the wrong aspects of their lives. The speaker said, live life like you're dying. What he said was just so right. I only have one queston for you guys out there--- what really matter's when you look back into your life? Your love for football? Entertaining your friends? or saving them? Your job for yourself? or the job assign to you that is your life's purpose? Someone is waiting for all of us at the end of time... so make your life and live your life meaningful with the right meaning.

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