Friday, July 25, 2008

The Unending Hope

I need You. I am so lost somehow. I feel the world is closing upon me. I know it may seem so small and unimportant but just lead me and I will go.

I have Your hope. 

It has been a week where I am evaluating on my relationships, faith and basically stuff. I have been trying to differentiate the difference of what's real to me. What really matters to me.

Compassion. That's what we need in this world which is collapsing in to pieces. The world has hope. Life is good. 

Friday, July 18, 2008

Loose Socks

It haw been a good trip back home to Malaysia. The flight wasn't so good though. 

I know I am a lazy person and I didn't blog about it until much later. 

Well I went to Vinser's "surprise party which in the end wasn't much of a surprise because he was a spoilt sport. 

It was great fun and I enjoyed catching up with family and friends. 

I have read a book which made me think. Everyone hears this all the time though but we often just put it behind our minds knowing yet not knowing that we take every new day for granted. 

"You learn how to live when you learn how to die." 

It asks us a rhetorical question of: would you live life only to the fullest when you know you are dying?

May God grant us the strength to move on everyday. Really does the small things matter anymore? Your pride, how you look, money or even studies, how many people liking you (popularity) or whatever. I feel that our belief/ faith, family, friends and loved ones matter the most now. That's my number one priority. 

Sunday, July 6, 2008

I Can See My Transparent Strings


My brothers mean the world to me. No matter what happens, we're brothers. We're all in it together, through everything that happens. 

We stand strong together.